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Chad Bustard 
Postdoctoral Fellow @ Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP)

Cosmic Ray Driven Winds from the LMC

A selection of videos accompanying Bustard et al. 2020
"Cosmic Ray Driven Outflows from the Large Magellanic Cloud: Contributions to the LMC Filament"

Simulation showing an LMC outflow interacting with time-varying ram pressure as the LMC falls into the Milky Way halo. Elapsed time is 1 Gyr.

             Gas pressure                               Cosmic ray pressure                      Magnetic pressure


                                            (Pressures all range from 10^-16 to 10^-12 dyne/cm^2)


Simulation from Bustard et al. 2020 showing two cosmic ray driven LMC outflows without ram pressure. View is edge-on.


Left panel: cosmic ray advection with no streaming or collisional losses 

Right panel: Including cosmic ray streaming and collisional losses     



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